Product Description
47 Inch Large Coffee Table: Our LED coffee table is designed with a 2-tier appearance, and features a classic and beautiful marble finish, which adds lots of beauty. Simple lines design connect multiple corners to create a simple and generous style, which is very suitable for living rooms, offices, apartments, etc.
Premium High-Gloss Effect: The high-gloss coffee table is made of premium particle board to ensure stability and durability. The surface of our coffee table for living room is designed with premium high-gloss, which is more smooth and easy to clean. Tips: The center living room table comes with a protective film on the surface, please peel it off after installation.
Multiple Storage Space: Our coffee table with LED lights has 2 sliding drawers stores most of the sundries in the living room, and also has a large open 2-tier space in the middle that makes your items orderly and brings you a neat and standardized living room! Also, a 47.2″x23.6″ large tabletop provides a wide space for daily living room use.
With LED Trips: Our modern coffee table is equipped with hidden LED suspension lights, which are designed around the middle of the 2-tier high coffee table. The LED lights bring a warm atmosphere and feeling to your night, and it also has multiple modes such as timing, music, and different lights to choose from. You can use your mobile phone and remote control to select your favorite light color and mode at any time.

More Details
With LED Lights
Easy to Clean&Maintain
Coffee Table with LED Lights

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